Wednesday, January 30, 2008

My childhood

I grew up on the family farm. My grandmother, Molly taught my brothers and I to read using her bible. There wasn't any schools in the valley for the boys to attend. Then one summer, a Quaker school tecaher came to the valley and moved here. I then had attended the school. They had changed the spelling of my last name from Bannaky to Banneker. I was taught to write and just do simple arthmetic. This was just a little part of my childhood.

Friday, January 25, 2008

A little bit about my family

Hi my name is Benjamin Banneker. I am the son of Robert Bannaky and Mary Bannaky. I was born in Maryland on September 9th, 1731. My grandfather was a slave from Africa and my grandmother was a servent from England. My grandfather was known as Banna Ka, then as Bannaky. My grandmother was known as Molly Walsh. She had bought a farm along, and two slaves to help her take care of it. She let them free and married one of them, Bannaky.